playing in traffic™ is about promoting safety and awareness in the movement of overdimensional loads.™ is about videos of professional pilot cars and oversize load truckers in action giving them a chance to showcase their work internationally here on™ and on our YouTube Channel. Produced by Patriot Certified Pilot Cars LLC,™ was originally conceived as a means for customers to track the movement of their overdimensional loads live via web broadcast, and to have a record of the move for liability and insurance purposes. Over the past 4 years we've grown to include promo videos and videos from other pilot car companies and oversize load haulers work as a means to promote their skills and experience, and help increase public awareness of overdimensional moves. Our focus has shifted to producing quality videos, specializing in time-lapse clips with music. Currently our production team consists of: Malcom Black-President/Producer, Harald Klaassen-Honorary Vice President/Co-Producer Europe. Video footage provided by Patriot Certified Pilot Cars, Frog Truck Escort, J&S Pilot Car Service, and Certified Pilot Cars. We've also had the privilege of producing a video for a PSA and providing video footage for training purposes to the National Pilot Car Safety Institute™ now hosts one of the largest pilot car groups on FACEBOOK Come join us and contribute! Help us promote™ and your pilot car company! |